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Eightyone creative

Towards the start of my career, I moved back to New Zealand after an internship at Cartoon Network in Singapore. I’d just created my first illustrated CV (see the current one here) and caught the eye of Wellington creative agency EightyOne. Almost immediately we got on like a house on fire and I joined the team as a studio artist. Initially they wanted primarily to make use of my storyboarding and illustration work, but it wasn’t long before I developed a hunger for more. Stretching my skills out into pitches, video, direction and ideation. The sky was the limit with EightyOne (I even painted my first mural for them!), if you could dream it, they wanted to do it. Unfortunately, after 2 years learning from and working with some of the most inspirational creative minds I’ve ever met, the COVID-19 pandemic tore across the world, and I was laid off as a casualty of the shrinking business. EightyOne helped broaden my horizons and focus me in on the unique skillset I wanted to develop. The most formative project I helped bring to life at the studio, The Wellington Effect, can be found here, while a selection of other work that help build my foundational skills can be found below.

Department of internal affairs NZ

We were approached by New Zealand’s Department of Internal Affairs to help announce their new online application system for citizenship. Being a government entity, DIA were entirely too used to the status quo of corporate design, but realised as a result they might not be doing enough to actually connect with people. So we got to work, and developed bird characters to represent a NZ native (the pudgy green Kereru, or wood pigeon) and someone foreign to NZ (the flamingo, universally exotic). I designed the characters with a friendly, approachable aesthetic in mind, to align with the goals that DIA presented us. From there we created a series of animated videos, and some illustrated posters. I’m still incredibly proud of this work and it felt like a bridge between the world I was professional operating in, and the one I was working towards.

My role in this project:
Concept, Pre-Production, Illustration

Movember team talk

Team Talk was made in collaboration with the Movember foundation to bring awareness to men’s mental health and help support the men of NZ (and the world) talk about their feelings with one another. 12 creatives talked to 12 rugby legends to create 12 unique coasters, designed to prompt men to have a chat over a drink. I was one of the 12 artists asked to design a coaster, which I did in collaboration with ex All Black Mils Muliaina. To promote this, we also developed a video campaign with Nehe Milner Skudder, who became an ambassador for mental health.

My role in this project:
Concept, Pre-Production, Production, Illustration

Key contributors:
Andy Barnett, Tina Gonzalez, Clem Rebouillat, Alex Le, Andre Caraco, Zelle Read, James Henderson, Chris Appleros, Carlos Constable, Chris Bleackley & the EightyOne Team

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