

The Wellington Effect campaign was one of the first times an idea of mine was brought to life at scale. We were approached by WellingtonNZ (the capital’s tourism bureau) to help solve a significant drop in tourists during Wellington’s winter months. It was our job to turn the narrative about New Zealand’s coolest little capital, and so we did! I worked alongside ECD Chris Bleackley and AD Graham Mustard to come up with the concept for the campaign, in which we envisioned Wellington as a fountain of youth, where even a weekend visit could revitalise weary kiwis.

Feel the effect - TVC

The main piece of content for this campaign was the 45s TVC, which aired on nation television, YouTube ads and in theatres (very cool to see one of your ideas come to life before a screening of Avengers: Endgame). While there were a few fun set-piece concepts that hit the cutting room floor, I believe ultimately we achieved the goal of painting Wellington as a culturally diverse, creative and vibrant city; in fact we reportedly reached 1.8 million kiwis. This project taught me so much and certainly sent me hurtling down the road I continue to walk to this very day.

My role in this project:
Concept, Pre-Production, Production

Key contributors:
Andy Barnett, Tina Gonzalez, Clem Rebouillat, Alex Le, Graham Mustard, Chris Bleackley & the EightyOne Team

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