about me

The name’s Jeremy, but some folks call me Jay. I’m a Tahiti-born, New Zealand-raised creative, now based in London. Creativity has been pumping through my veins for as long as I can remember; I’m obsessed with the creative process and telling stories that really resonate with people. My experience ranges from television, to advertising, to video games and I’ve worked in illustration, motion & art direction for the last decade. Most recently I’ve lead the video team at PikPok as Cinematic Director. Check out my CV below and my showreel here.

If I’m not buried in my sketchbooks trying to get out my latest idea, you’ll find me in a vinyl store looking for limited LP’s, on the golf course trying to find my ball, or in the kitchen whipping up recipes inspired by my father.

the best Cv you’ve
ever see-vee-n:

Previous iterations of
the illustrated cv:

CV #1 (2018)

CV #2 (2020)